Fork 0
BlackDex c9ed9aa733
Fix Javascript issue on non sqlite databases
When a non sqlite database is used, loading the admin interface fails
because the backup button is not generated.
This PR is solves it by checking if the elements are valid.

Also made some other changes and fixed some eslint errors.
Showing `_post` errors is better now.

Update jquery to latest version.

Fixes #3166
2023-01-26 20:34:25 +01:00

127 Zeilen
5,5 KiB

use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use rocket::{fs::NamedFile, http::ContentType, response::content::RawHtml as Html, serde::json::Json, Catcher, Route};
use serde_json::Value;
use crate::{
api::{core::now, ApiResult},
util::{Cached, SafeString},
pub fn routes() -> Vec<Route> {
// If addding more routes here, consider also adding them to
// crate::utils::LOGGED_ROUTES to make sure they appear in the log
if CONFIG.web_vault_enabled() {
routes![web_index, app_id, web_files, attachments, alive, static_files]
} else {
routes![attachments, alive, static_files]
pub fn catchers() -> Vec<Catcher> {
if CONFIG.web_vault_enabled() {
} else {
fn not_found() -> ApiResult<Html<String>> {
// Return the page
let json = json!({
"urlpath": CONFIG.domain_path()
let text = CONFIG.render_template("404", &json)?;
async fn web_index() -> Cached<Option<NamedFile>> {
Cached::short(NamedFile::open(Path::new(&CONFIG.web_vault_folder()).join("index.html")).await.ok(), false)
fn app_id() -> Cached<(ContentType, Json<Value>)> {
let content_type = ContentType::new("application", "fido.trusted-apps+json");
"trustedFacets": [
"version": { "major": 1, "minor": 0 },
"ids": [
// Per <https://fidoalliance.org/specs/fido-v2.0-id-20180227/fido-appid-and-facets-v2.0-id-20180227.html#determining-the-facetid-of-a-calling-application>:
// "In the Web case, the FacetID MUST be the Web Origin [RFC6454]
// of the web page triggering the FIDO operation, written as
// a URI with an empty path. Default ports are omitted and any
// path component is ignored."
// This leaves it unclear as to whether the path must be empty,
// or whether it can be non-empty and will be ignored. To be on
// the safe side, use a proper web origin (with empty path).
"android:apk-key-hash:dUGFzUzf3lmHSLBDBIv+WaFyZMI" ]
#[get("/<p..>", rank = 10)] // Only match this if the other routes don't match
async fn web_files(p: PathBuf) -> Cached<Option<NamedFile>> {
Cached::long(NamedFile::open(Path::new(&CONFIG.web_vault_folder()).join(p)).await.ok(), true)
async fn attachments(uuid: SafeString, file_id: SafeString) -> Option<NamedFile> {
// We use DbConn here to let the alive healthcheck also verify the database connection.
use crate::db::DbConn;
fn alive(_conn: DbConn) -> Json<String> {
pub fn static_files(filename: String) -> Result<(ContentType, &'static [u8]), Error> {
match filename.as_ref() {
"404.png" => Ok((ContentType::PNG, include_bytes!("../static/images/404.png"))),
"mail-github.png" => Ok((ContentType::PNG, include_bytes!("../static/images/mail-github.png"))),
"logo-gray.png" => Ok((ContentType::PNG, include_bytes!("../static/images/logo-gray.png"))),
"error-x.svg" => Ok((ContentType::SVG, include_bytes!("../static/images/error-x.svg"))),
"hibp.png" => Ok((ContentType::PNG, include_bytes!("../static/images/hibp.png"))),
"vaultwarden-icon.png" => Ok((ContentType::PNG, include_bytes!("../static/images/vaultwarden-icon.png"))),
"vaultwarden-favicon.png" => Ok((ContentType::PNG, include_bytes!("../static/images/vaultwarden-favicon.png"))),
"404.css" => Ok((ContentType::CSS, include_bytes!("../static/scripts/404.css"))),
"admin.css" => Ok((ContentType::CSS, include_bytes!("../static/scripts/admin.css"))),
"admin.js" => Ok((ContentType::JavaScript, include_bytes!("../static/scripts/admin.js"))),
"admin_settings.js" => Ok((ContentType::JavaScript, include_bytes!("../static/scripts/admin_settings.js"))),
"admin_users.js" => Ok((ContentType::JavaScript, include_bytes!("../static/scripts/admin_users.js"))),
"admin_organizations.js" => {
Ok((ContentType::JavaScript, include_bytes!("../static/scripts/admin_organizations.js")))
"admin_diagnostics.js" => {
Ok((ContentType::JavaScript, include_bytes!("../static/scripts/admin_diagnostics.js")))
"bootstrap.css" => Ok((ContentType::CSS, include_bytes!("../static/scripts/bootstrap.css"))),
"bootstrap-native.js" => Ok((ContentType::JavaScript, include_bytes!("../static/scripts/bootstrap-native.js"))),
"jdenticon.js" => Ok((ContentType::JavaScript, include_bytes!("../static/scripts/jdenticon.js"))),
"datatables.js" => Ok((ContentType::JavaScript, include_bytes!("../static/scripts/datatables.js"))),
"datatables.css" => Ok((ContentType::CSS, include_bytes!("../static/scripts/datatables.css"))),
"jquery-3.6.3.slim.js" => {
Ok((ContentType::JavaScript, include_bytes!("../static/scripts/jquery-3.6.3.slim.js")))
_ => err!(format!("Static file not found: {filename}")),