# Discourse Custom Wizard Plugin The Custom Wizard Plugin lets you make forms for your Discourse forum. Better user onboarding, structured posting, data enrichment, automated actions and much more for your community. 👋 Looking to report an issue? We're managing issues for this plugin using our [bug report wizard](https://coop.pavilion.tech/w/bug-report). ## Install If you're not sure how to install a plugin in Discourse, please follow the [plugin installation guide](https://meta.discourse.org/t/install-a-plugin/19157) or contact your Discourse hosting provider. ## Documentation [Read the full documentation here](https://coop.pavilion.tech/c/82), or go directly to the relevant section - [Wizard Administration](https://coop.pavilion.tech/t/1602) - [Wizard Settings](https://coop.pavilion.tech/t/1614) - [Step Settings](https://coop.pavilion.tech/t/1735) - [Field Settings](https://coop.pavilion.tech/t/1580) - [Conditional Settings](https://coop.pavilion.tech/t/1673) - [Field Interpolation](https://coop.pavilion.tech/t/1557) - [Handling Dates and Times](https://coop.pavilion.tech/t/1708) ## Support - [Report an issue](https://coop.pavilion.tech/w/bug-report)