baseURL = "" defaultContentLanguage = "de" languageCode = "de" title = "Nick Slowinski" theme = "FixIt" enableEmoji = true enableGitInfo = true [menu] [[menu.main]] identifier = "posts" # you can add extra information before the name (HTML format is supported), such as icons pre = "" # you can add extra information after the name (HTML format is supported), such as icons post = "" name = "Artikel" url = "/posts/" # title will be shown when you hover on this menu link title = "" weight = 1 # FixIt 0.2.14 | NEW add user-defined content to menu items [menu.main.params] # add css class to a specific menu item class = "" # whether set as a draft menu item whose function is similar to a draft post/page draft = false # FixIt 0.2.16 | NEW add fontawesome icon to a specific menu item icon = "fa-solid fa-archive" # FixIt 0.2.16 | NEW set menu item type, optional values: ["mobile", "desktop"] type = "" [[menu.main]] identifier = "categories" pre = "" post = "" name = "Kategorien" url = "/categories/" title = "" weight = 2 [menu.main.params] icon = "fa-solid fa-th" [[menu.main]] identifier = "tags" pre = "" post = "" name = "Tags" url = "/tags/" title = "" weight = 3 [menu.main.params] icon = "fa-solid fa-tags" [params] # LoveIt theme version version = "0.2.X" gitRepo = "" defaultTheme = "auto" # Home page config # Header config [params.header] # FixIt 0.2.13 | CHANGED desktop header mode ["sticky", "normal", "auto"] desktopMode = "sticky" # FixIt 0.2.13 | CHANGED mobile header mode ["sticky", "normal", "auto"] mobileMode = "auto" # FixIt 0.2.0 | NEW Header title config [params.header.title] # URL of the LOGO logo = "" # title name name = "Nick Slowinski" # you can add extra information before the name (HTML format is supported), such as icons pre = "" # you can add extra information after the name (HTML format is supported), such as icons post = "" # FixIt 0.2.5 | NEW whether to use typeit animation for title name typeit = false # FixIt 0.2.12 | NEW Header subtitle config [params.header.subtitle] # subtitle name name = "" # whether to use typeit animation for subtitle name typeit = false [params.home] # LoveIt NEW | 0.2.0 amount of RSS pages rss = 10 # Home page profile [params.home.profile] enable = true # URL of avatar shown in home page avatarURL = "/images/Nick_Slowinski.png" title = "Nick Slowinski" # subtitle shown in home page subtitle = "Entschuldigung, hier ist momentan nicht viel. Ich werde bald mehr hinzufügen. Irgendwann. Versprochen." # whether to use typeit animation for subtitle typeit = true # whether to show social links social = true # LoveIt NEW | 0.2.0 disclaimer (HTML format is supported) disclaimer = "" # Home page posts [params.home.posts] enable = true # special amount of posts in each home posts page paginate = 6 [] enable = true # type of search engine ("lunr", "algolia") type = "fuse" # max index length of the chunked content contentLength = 4000 # placeholder of the search bar placeholder = "" # LoveIt NEW | 0.2.1 max number of results length maxResultLength = 10 # LoveIt NEW | 0.2.3 snippet length of the result snippetLength = 30 # LoveIt NEW | 0.2.1 HTML tag name of the highlight part in results highlightTag = "em" # LoveIt NEW | 0.2.4 whether to use the absolute URL based on the baseURL in search index absoluteURL = false [] # FixIt 0.2.17 | NEW isCaseSensitive = false minMatchCharLength = 2 findAllMatches = false location = 0 threshold = 0.3 distance = 100 ignoreLocation = false useExtendedSearch = false ignoreFieldNorm = false # Social config about the author [] Telegram = "NickSlowinski" Gitea = "" Email = "" Twitter = "NickSlowinski" Paypal = "nick1307" Steam = "nick1307" RSS = false [params.footer] custom = 'Impressum, Haftungsausschluss und Datenschutzerklärung' license = 'CC BY-NC 4.0' [params.cookieconsent] enable = false # text strings used for Cookie consent banner # Markup related configuration in Hugo [markup] # Syntax Highlighting ( [markup.highlight] # false is a necessary configuration ( noClasses = false [author] name = "Nick Slowinski" email = "" link = "" [outputs] home = ["HTML", "RSS", "JSON"]